Plan an event

Events affecting highways

You’ll need to let us know if your event is going to impact the use of a Leicestershire highway (including any road, street, verge, footway, pavement, public footpath or bridleway).


We can only consider the approval of your event, on receipt of the correctly completed documents.  Roadworks are planned at least 3 months in advance, so it is important to inform us of your event as soon as possible.

Please complete the relevant documents below and email them to if your event could:

  • be affected by access restrictions due to roadworks
  • increase traffic flow in an area
  • increase on-street parking
  • require a temporary traffic restriction
  • affect the safety of pedestrians and other road users
  • restrict access for emergency vehicles
  • affect planned highway works
  • affect bus routes

Traffic management plan

If your event has an impact on the highway, for example:

  • lack of car parking
  • parking on the main carriageway
  • running / cycling events using the highway (footpaths included)
  • signing required on the highway
  • marshals positioned on the highway
  • stalls positioned on the footway (which could encourage crowds close to live carriageway)

You’ll need to complete a Traffic management plan (please email to request a copy) which will include:

  • Contingency Plan - for adverse weather affecting traffic movements e.g. waterlogged car park, road traffic collisions on event route
  • Risk Assessment - concentrating on mitigating highway risks such as runners clashing with traffic
  • Communications Plan - to not only advertise your event but alert all affected parties e.g. residents, bus companies of any restrictions and possible disruption.  If you’re disrupting a bus route or limiting access to residents or businesses, you’ll need to inform them of your event a minimum of 2 weeks before.
  • Signing Schedule - showing any planned traffic management or signs on the highway
  • Public liability insurance

Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO)

If your event requires restrictions such as road closure or parking restriction, you’ll need to apply for a TTRO at least 12 weeks before the event. Information on how to apply, costs and guidance are on Roadworks closures and diversions

Setting up signage on highways

All proposed signage for highways needs approving before they go out. You will need to provide a signing schedule showing the locations, wording, colour, size etc. of the signs. Homemade signs are not permitted, please ensure any signage conforms to Chapter 8 regulations - for support with this please contact the Council’s Signage Team on to obtain a quote; or contact a local traffic management company.  Please allow a 12 week notice period for any signage required.

If you have employed a Traffic Management company to arrange signage, please ensure the plans are shared with us so we can comment in good time. Event signage should not be deployed without Highway approval even when a professional traffic management company is involved.

Any homemade signage that does not conform to Chapter 8 will not be approved and if placed dangerously or for an excessive amount of time could be removed.