Getting a break
Leicestershire County Council recognises the vital support unpaid carers provide to their family members, friends, and neighbours. We also understand the value a break away from caring can have. Caring can be exhausting, so it's important to try and find some time for you. This can be of benefit to both you and the person you care for. There are different ways you can get a break from caring.
Booking and guidance for adults who use our short breaks service
Policy and guidance for families who care for an adult and use our short breaks services. You can also use our booking form to apply for your short break stay:
Guidance and booking
Short breaks booking request 2025/26
The form below should be used for making short breaks booking requests for the period 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026.
(The application form is now closed for the current phase. The deadline to submit applications was 5 January 2025)
Important information
Please use the table below as a guide for your booking request dates. If we're unable to accommodate any of your requests, we may suggest alternative date(s) – subject to availability.
Non-flexible booking requests should only be used for dates or periods you consider to be 'non-flexible'. In all cases, these should be supported by further explanation and the service will consider if the request reason/purpose fulfils the risk criteria to be considered under exceptional circumstance(s).
Due to Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) systems that remain in situ to keep all of our service users safe, all check-in and check-out arrangements will be co-ordinated on either a Monday, Wednesday, or Friday*
Some examples illustrated below:
Check In (No earlier than 3.30pm) |
Check Out (No later than 11am) |
Number of nights |
Monday |
Wednesday |
2 |
Wednesday |
Friday |
2 |
Friday |
Monday |
3 |
Monday |
Friday |
4 |
Friday |
Friday |
7 |
Monday |
Monday |
7 |
Wednesday |
Wednesday |
7 |
* Note: There are no restrictions on the number of nights taken, as long as they fall within your allocation. Regular requests for weekend bookings (Friday to Monday) may not always be possible and will depend on service availability.
We understand how important it is for you to secure a short break stay. The above guidance supports us to plan and manage service resource and capacity more effectively, increasing opportunities for all our service users to secure a short break stay with us.
The application form is now closed. The deadline to submit applications was 5 January 2025.
If you have any problems regarding your existing booking, please get in touch with us via one of the channels below:
Phone: 0116 305 4565
Carefree for Carers
Carefree uses charitable funding to provide free breaks to unpaid carers.
Carers can make a self-referral for a break by visiting Take a break - Carefree.
Respite at home (sitting service / time with)
There are providers, care agencies, and personal assistants that can deliver flexible support at home (sometimes known as a sitting service) to provide you with a break from caring. If eligible, Adult Social Care may be able to support with this as part of your carers assessment. Or you can arrange this service yourself on a regular basis or as and when you need it.
You can find providers by using our online information and support directory and the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Care Directory
If the person you care for requires personal (intimate) care, this will not be provided via a carers assessment and the provider or care home must be registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC). The CQC inspects all care homes and regulated homecare agencies in England and Wales. We recommend that you search the website for a named care home or agency or enter your postcode to search in your area.
The National Institute for Care Excellence (NICE) online guide to home care tells you what you should expect from a good service.
Local day activities
Another way of getting a break from caring is to find a local activity to support the person you care for or join a support group in your community.
Search our online information and support directory to find out what is available in your area.
The local area co-ordinators and First Contact Plus may also know what day activities and support groups are in your local area.
Short-term care
If you want to take a short break or holiday, you can arrange some short-term care for the person you look after by contacting any residential home and asking for availability and pricing. This is sometimes known as respite care. Respite care may be significantly more expensive than long-term permanent care.
Find care homes and respite care providers in the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Care Directory
Age UK have information and advice on what to look for when choosing a residential care home, including a checklist to download.
Live in Care
There are also national and local providers who can supply live in carer(s) 24 hours a day/7 days a week. Live in care allows the person you care for to remain in their own home with the support they need avoiding the trauma of moving them into unfamiliar surroundings. See:
Getting a carer's assessment
You can request a carer's assessment which will look at what information, advice, or support you may need as a carer, including getting a break. Your assessment may support you to take a break.