Learning Support

The Learning Support Team (LST)

The Learning Support Team (LST) forms a component of our Local Offer, providing advice and support to children, families and education establishments across Leicestershire.

A central part of the Learning Support Team role is to offer free consultations to schools and FE providers to support them in meeting the needs of pupils who have persistent literacy and maths difficulties, including dyslexia and dyscalculia. Schools are provided with support from specialist advisory teachers who are qualified and experienced in assessing and teaching pupils with specific learning difficulties.

How to get our support

The Learning Support Team provides training, consultation and advice to schools and FE providers only. We don't work directly with parents and pupils. Every school/FE provider is entitled to 2 hours of FREE consultation annually.

Schools/FE providers can choose to ‘pool’ their consultation hours to create a forum; the forum lead would then set up and lead the meetings.

To find out about what LST currently have on offer, and to book consultation or forum dates, please go to our Eventbrite page or contact LSSCoreOffer@leics.gov.uk


I thought I knew all about dyslexia – but there was so much more to learn.


How we work

Through bespoke consultations and forums, and training, LST can support schools to understand specific learning difficulties like dyslexia and dyscalculia, and in making adjustments to teaching and learning to meet the needs of young people with additional needs. This includes ensuring settings are dyslexia aware and that SENCOs have systems in place to respond to learning difficulties through a Graduated Response to need.

We can also advise on creating learning profiles, exploring both the difficulty, assessment, and the impact on the learner, including on wellbeing; intervention beyond the mainstream; and other areas of teaching and learning that the SENCO/inclusion manager may wish to discuss.

Working with others

The Learning Support Team works with schools, FE providers, Units attached to schools that provide more intensive support, other teams within the Specialist Teaching Service, and the Leicestershire Dyslexia Association.

Although we don't work directly with children and families, advice is offered to schools on gathering the views of young people and parents/carers to explore any underlying concerns that may haven't yet been identified.


Brilliant use of time. It’s like bespoke training.


Useful resources

The following resources focus on key areas to help you support and understand children and young people with persistent learning difficulties like dyslexia.


I have no suggestions for improvement. This consultation was the most informative, helpful and supportive that I have attended, surpassing my expectations. As a result of this consultation, I feel a lot more equipped to support the children in my class and distribute information to other staff in my school – thank you so much!

Useful links

British Dyslexia Association

Leicestershire Dyslexia Association

Helen Arkell Dyslexia Charity

Literacy and Dyslexia Professional Development Framework - DfE funded dyslexia trust

CALL Scotland - Dyslexia/dyscalculia apps and IT information

Barrington Stoke - Dyslexia friendly reading books

Smart Kids - Good for word games/magnetic letters and more

Nessy - Computer games for dyslexia, including reading and spelling

Parent Champions - Information for parents and young people about dyslexia

Dyslexia parent support