Local offer for care leavers

Training and jobs

There is help and advice available to achieve your potential and get into work or training.

You can speak to your personal advisor about some of the options available.

  • Our Virtual School facilitates Personal Education Plan meetings (PEPs) each term until you turn 18, to make sure you get the support you need with your education. If you still need this support after the age of 18, further PEP meetings can be arranged to make sure you continue to be well supported in your education placement.
  • Leicestershire County Council offers paid apprenticeships across the council. Care leavers are prioritised for these roles and placements are matched according to your interests and qualifications. You will receive extra support from our Virtual School while you complete your apprenticeship.
  • If you need to claim benefits, you can meet with a specialist care leaver work coach from the Department of Work and Pensions a month before you turn 18. This will help you to understand how you will engage with your work coach to get into work or training.
  • The Government have introduced a new scheme, which primarily is to offer additional employment support to all care leavers during the move from being looked after to independence. More information is available at Care Leaver Covenant.

    The covenant is a 'promise' that employers and other professionals in the community will make offers of employment and apprenticeships, amongst other offers yet to be published. It is a very new, and exciting development. Keep an eye out for further developments in the very near future.