Statement of Case and Documentation list
The Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) and Side Roads Order (SRO) notices were submitted to the Secretary of State for confirmation on 21 October 2020. A number of objections to the CPO and SRO were received and the Secretary of State gave notice on 15 January 2021 of his intention to call a Public Inquiry to consider the objections.
Accordingly, the council is required to serve a Statement of Case on the Secretary of State and on each statutory objector. In light of the impact and restrictions associated with COVID-19, an extension to the time period in which the council must serve the Statement of Case was granted by the Secretary of State and the council was required to serve the statement no later than the 19 March 2021. The statement was served on all objectors, within the provided timeframe, and an online version of the Statement of Case is available to view below.
Notice of the Public Inquiry and information on proceedings can be found on our Public Inquiry page. Below is a list of documents that are referred to in the Statement of Case, and that may be referred to at Public Inquiry.
Access to view NE MMDR Statement of Case documentation (by arrangement) at Leicestershire County Council offices (County Hall, Glenfield) and Melton Borough Council offices will not be possible over restricted periods. Those unable to access the documents online can telephone 0116 305 0001 or email to seek advice from the project manager or from a member of the team.
P1 - Melton Local plan 2011-2036
P1A – Report on the Examination of the Melton Local Plan
P3 - North and East Melton Mowbray Distributor Road Planning Application 2018/1204/06
P4 - Development Control and Regulatory Board Report of the Chief Executive (May 2019)
P6 - LCC Development Control and Regulatory Board Planning Notice (2018/1204/06)
P7 - Planning application 18/00359/OUT - Sysonby Farm residential development
P8 - Planning application 14/00518/OUT - Land west of Scalford Road, residential development
Scheme Assessment and Development
Plans, Policy and Guidance
Decision Making
Technical Guidance
Communication and Consultation
Order / Legal