The NE MMDR Public Inquiry was opened by the Inspector on Tuesday 21 September 2021 and closed on Thursday 7 October 2021. The Inspector subsequently submitted a report, making a recommendation to the Secretary of State. The Secretary of State announced in a decision dated 31 March 2022 that the proposed Compulsory Purchase Order and Side Roads Orders (including modifications) have now been confirmed. This is being advertised on site and in the local press dated 28 April 2022 with affected landowners being notified directly.
Public Inquiry
The Secretary of State has appointed Lesley Coffey BA(Hons) BTP MRTPI to conduct the Public Inquiry. The Programme Officer responsible for assisting the Inspector with all aspects of the Inquiry is Robert Young, who is independent of the council and works directly to the Inspector.
Any correspondence or queries relating to the Inquiry process should be directed to the Programme Officer:
Telephone: 07596 889557
The Inquiry was held as a virtual event, run by an Inspector in the normal way but with the parties invited to join via Microsoft Teams or telephone.
The Inquiry began at 10am on Tuesday 21 September 2021.
Documents produced during and after the Inquiry at the request of the Inspector will be available here in due course.
Pre-Inquiry meeting
A Pre-Inquiry meeting was held as a virtual event beginning at 11am on Tuesday 6 July 2021 where the Inspector provided the timetable for the proceedings, details of which can be found below in ID3 - Inspector's post-PIM note.
ID6B – NEMMDR Inquiry Inspector's draft timetable 24 September 2021 Opens new window
Day 1
Day 2
Day 2 documents
Day 3
Day 4
Day 4 documents
Day 5
Day 5 documents
Day 6
Day 6 documents
Objections received
Leicestershire County Council proofs of evidence
Leicestershire County Council responses to objections
Objectors proofs of evidence received
If you require these documents in an accessible format, please email