Religion and belief

Inter Faith Forum for Leicestershire

The Inter Faith Forum for Leicestershire was developed in July 2008 as a network to promote greater understanding and awareness of religion, faith and belief.

It brings together representatives from faith communities, along with other interested individuals and professionals, from across the County and provides space for open and honest discussion and debate about a wide range of topical issues affecting the different faith communities in Leicestershire. The Forum is also a member of the UK Inter Faith network.

The purpose of the Inter Faith Forum for Leicestershire is to:

  • provide support for faith communities to build up their social capital
  • encourage faith communities to develop in ways which they are at ease with themselves and others
  • oppose all forms of faith discrimination and religious hatred
  • encourage the building of social cohesion between faith communities
  • provide a focus for dialogue and the development of mutual understanding across Leicestershire
  • encourage good quality relationships with the wider Leicestershire community
  • provide a place where differences can be openly discussed
  • share best practice, take a joint approach to problem solving and work together on these shared aims
  • build links with public bodies across the county including, but not limited to the local authorities, police and the local NHS Trusts
  • provide a place where policy makers can consult with faith communities

For more information about the Forum, its activities and events, please contact or 0116 305 5501.

Inter Faith and international calendar